Simple Sourdough Starter for Beginners: Flour & Water Only

A sourdough starter only needs two ingredients and time. Flour and water combined with a little warmth and patience yields a naturally occurring, wild yeast. The only commitment on your part is feeding it and discarding the extra starter daily. We’re talking only a few minutes a day, tops! This post is all about showingContinue reading “Simple Sourdough Starter for Beginners: Flour & Water Only”

Why not an Authentic Borodinsky Russian Rye Bread?

It’s the new year! Many of us are making New Year’s Resolutions to eat a little less of this and little more of that. Given this, we don’t have to eliminate what we love from our diets. As we all know, sourdough made a come back in 2020 and continues to be all the rage.Continue reading “Why not an Authentic Borodinsky Russian Rye Bread?”