Spanish King Cake: A Fruit Topped Sweet Bread with Surprise!

For Western cultures, particularly in Western Christian Churches, January 6th is often a celebratory day. It’s known as Epiphany, among other names, and has many different meanings. It can also denote the last day of Christmas as the 12th day. For many countries, families and friends take part in eating the well-known “King Cake” toContinue reading “Spanish King Cake: A Fruit Topped Sweet Bread with Surprise!”

Venezuelan Ham Bread: An Indulgence of Savory & Sweet

Savory meets sweet and Italian Stromboli meets cinnamon roll. This post explores one of the holiday favorites in Venezuela. I’m talking about the Venezuelan Pan de Jamón, a savory with a little sweet holiday ham bread. “Pan de Jamón” is Spanish for “ham bread”. It’s a staple on a Venezuelan Christmas table. While there areContinue reading “Venezuelan Ham Bread: An Indulgence of Savory & Sweet”

Sour Cream Pocketbook Rolls: Buttery, Salty, Tangy, & Sweet

If you ask me what my last meal would include, I would say the same now as I would have said as a kid… ooey, gooey, cheesy, mashed potatoes and a buttery, salty, yeast roll, along with a warm, homemade chocolate chip cookie for dessert. Then again, I probably wouldn’t be hungry if I knewContinue reading “Sour Cream Pocketbook Rolls: Buttery, Salty, Tangy, & Sweet”

New Zealand’s Authentic Maori Mashed Potato Sourdough Bread

Looking for a different take on sourdough? This is NOT your typical sourdough! Mashed potatoes, water, sugar, and flour are all you need to create a resilient naturally occurring yeast. You can make 2 loaves of bread from scratch after fermentation, NO rising time!! Save some dough and feed for future loaves whenever you’re ready!Continue reading “New Zealand’s Authentic Maori Mashed Potato Sourdough Bread”

The BEST Homemade Hamburger, Hot Dog, and Hoagie Buns

Grilling season is here! Warm weather welcomes the season’s favorite foods, hamburgers and hot dogs. I’m really excited to share these absolute favorite homemade hamburger, hot dog, and hoagie buns. Should you make homemade buns? Yes! Definitely! Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on a store-bought package of hamburger or hot dog buns?Continue reading “The BEST Homemade Hamburger, Hot Dog, and Hoagie Buns”

Authentic Turkish Pide Flatbread: Light and Indulgent with Health Benefits

Spring brings renewal, rebirth, and many religious feasts and celebrations. With Passover and Easter past, religious traditions continue with the Muslim observance of Ramadan. Ramadan is a month-long period of reflection beginning the evening of April 12th this year through the evening of May 11th. Whether during Ramadan or when you want a light andContinue reading “Authentic Turkish Pide Flatbread: Light and Indulgent with Health Benefits”

Chinese Steamed Flower Rolls: Beautiful yet Unique Asian Bread

Lunar New Year arrives February 12th. Our Asian friends are in full celebration mode (well, as much as one can be during a pandemic). At least, the celebrations will be en famille, if nothing else. After all, in Asian countries, Lunar New Year is the largest family and friend celebration of the year. Regardless, familyContinue reading “Chinese Steamed Flower Rolls: Beautiful yet Unique Asian Bread”

Filipino Ensaymada Rolls: the Most Versatile Bread

I have never made a more versatile bread than the Filipino Ensaymada Rolls. While I have posted on this one before, I really wanted to make it again. It is the season for Filipino celebrations, so I just couldn’t resist another nod to the Philippines. Who can pass up a buttery, lightly sweetened, pillowy rollContinue reading “Filipino Ensaymada Rolls: the Most Versatile Bread”

Learn How to Make the Zanzibar Sesame Flatbread

January 12th marks Zanzibar’s day of independence. A day of celebration and reflection. Why shouldn’t we all take a moment to remember every country on their special day, even if we are on the other side of the world? Maybe regular remembrance and reflection would set all our minds straight for what’s important in theContinue reading “Learn How to Make the Zanzibar Sesame Flatbread”

How to make Pan Micha: Blend of 2 Countries

The new year has begun. Adios 2020 and never return! Well, I think most of us feel this way; however, the never-ending, ever-so optimist in me recognizes there was some good in 2020… you just have to look a little harder than normal. 😊 A new year represents hope and optimism. With the optimism ofContinue reading “How to make Pan Micha: Blend of 2 Countries”