German Pfeffernüsse Gingerbread Cookies: Wonderful Spiced Holiday Treats

Hello spice! It’s the holiday season and spice, spice, everywhere there’s spice! The German Pfeffernüsse gingerbread cookies are about as spicy as they get. I’m not referring to heat spice but warm, holiday, sweet spice. These cookies are packed with 7 spices along with black pepper, molasses, and brown sugar for an added punch ofContinue reading “German Pfeffernüsse Gingerbread Cookies: Wonderful Spiced Holiday Treats”

Holiday Sugar Cookies: A Fantastic Frosted Family Favorite

Is there a better sweet treat during the holidays than a soft, frosted sugar cookie decorated in holiday fashion? This sugar cookie recipe has been in my husband’s family for generations. It is by far our favorite sugar cookie, not because it’s a “family” recipe, but because in addition to the usual sugar cookie ingredients,Continue reading “Holiday Sugar Cookies: A Fantastic Frosted Family Favorite”

Mexican Chili Pepper Black Bean Fudgy Brownies (Gluten Free!)

If you’re a chocolate lover like me, it’s a struggle saying “no” to a brownie, particularly if it’s fudgy. These Mexican chili pepper black bean fudgy brownies are undoubtedly chocolatey and sweet but also gluten free and can be vegan. I’ve been told by non-gluten eaters they are surprisingly good even with the chili pepperContinue reading “Mexican Chili Pepper Black Bean Fudgy Brownies (Gluten Free!)”

Holiday Rolled Baklava: Wonderful Spices, Pistachios, Pomegranate, & Orange

The smell, taste, and look of the holidays rolled into a sticky, crunchy, sweet confection does more than tickle your senses. My holiday rolled baklava recipe focuses on holiday flavors to include pistachios, pomegranate seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, brown sugar, and orange zest rolled in layers of buttered phyllo dough and coated in a honey-orangeContinue reading “Holiday Rolled Baklava: Wonderful Spices, Pistachios, Pomegranate, & Orange”

How to Make Candied Fruit Peels: Indulgence with Health Benefits

All things that make up the holiday season are reminders of my childhood. This jolly, peaceful time fills me with warm, fuzzy feelings that make me long for the past. Thus, every year at this time, I strive to engage in activities that take me back to those times that represented for me joy, peace,Continue reading “How to Make Candied Fruit Peels: Indulgence with Health Benefits”