Rye Bread and New Year’s Day Traditions

New Year’s Day traditions are specific to different cultures around the world. A new year, a new beginning, and hopes for a healthy and prosperous year seem to be common themes for us all. I’m not a new year’s resolution kind of person as I try to modify my life as I see the need;Continue reading “Rye Bread and New Year’s Day Traditions”

Holiday Stuffing or Dressing? Why not Bread Pudding?

It’s the American age-old question… Do you call your Thanksgiving turkey “side” stuffing or dressing? Well, my unprofessional, yet logical response is… call it stuffing if it’s baked in the bird and call it dressing if it is baked separately in a casserole dish. It is suggested NOT to cook the stuffing in the birdContinue reading “Holiday Stuffing or Dressing? Why not Bread Pudding?”