Sinfully Rich and Silky 2 Way Mashed Potatoes

Do you have varying taste buds in your family? What if you could make one base mashed potato recipe and turn it into two? Look no further! Your problem is solved with my recipe for “Sinfully Rich and Silky 2 Way Mashed Potatoes” with variations to accommodate simple and mature taste buds alike. Our livesContinue reading “Sinfully Rich and Silky 2 Way Mashed Potatoes”

A Taste of Spain

Why Spain? When I started this journey, I knew I wanted to “bake Spain” sooner than later. I chaperoned a small group of students to Spain and France a few years ago. During the Spain portion of this trip, we spent some time in Madrid, Toledo, Barcelona, and Zaragoza. While all cities/towns were wonderful inContinue reading “A Taste of Spain”