Simple Sourdough Starter for Beginners: Flour & Water Only

A sourdough starter only needs two ingredients and time. Flour and water combined with a little warmth and patience yields a naturally occurring, wild yeast. The only commitment on your part is feeding it and discarding the extra starter daily. We’re talking only a few minutes a day, tops! This post is all about showingContinue reading “Simple Sourdough Starter for Beginners: Flour & Water Only”

Easy Sourdough Discard Bread: Perfect for the Bread Machine

You began your sourdough starter a couple of days ago. It’s growing, but it’s not ready or complex enough in flavor to use in a traditional, sourdough bread. Believe it or not, you can actually use it now to make sourdough bread. The only caveat is that you need to rely on commercial yeast forContinue reading “Easy Sourdough Discard Bread: Perfect for the Bread Machine”

How to Use Sourdough Discard in YOUR Favorite Recipes

Sourdough discard! Why throw it out when you can create some AMAZING meal and snack foods for all to enjoy with your favorite mix-ins and toppings. My incredible homemade tried and tested recipes using whole, flavorful ingredients will make you question whether to buy any of their processed store-bought counterparts ever again! You gotta seeContinue reading “How to Use Sourdough Discard in YOUR Favorite Recipes”

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