French Spice Bread: A Happy Blend of Gingerbread & Spice Cake

The French Pain d’Épices is a yeast-free, dense, quick bread that is reminiscent of both gingerbread and spice cake. The words “pain d’épices” are French for “spice bread”, literally translated as, “bread of spices”. What make it unique are the additions of dark rye flour and one cup of honey. My version includes chopped candiedContinue reading “French Spice Bread: A Happy Blend of Gingerbread & Spice Cake”

How to Make Candied Fruit Peels: Indulgence with Health Benefits

All things that make up the holiday season are reminders of my childhood. This jolly, peaceful time fills me with warm, fuzzy feelings that make me long for the past. Thus, every year at this time, I strive to engage in activities that take me back to those times that represented for me joy, peace,Continue reading “How to Make Candied Fruit Peels: Indulgence with Health Benefits”

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