Easy Poultry Seasoning Blend: Flavor up Your Favorite 🍗Dishes

Poultry seasoning does more than enhance flavor to poultry dishes. The most common ingredients in poultry seasoning are sage and thyme with many variations. Thus, you can imagine the possibilities for flavoring your favorite savory dishes. I love using my homemade poultry seasoning to herb and spice up casseroles, soups, stews, chili, rice, veggies, andContinue reading “Easy Poultry Seasoning Blend: Flavor up Your Favorite 🍗Dishes”

How to Store Fresh Herbs to last 2 weeks!

How many times have you opened the fridge and noticed that your fresh herbs have wilted or are brown? If you’re like me, too many to count. How can we easily prep and store our fresh herbs to last? So, how do we store fresh herbs to last 2 weeks? It all starts with cleaning,Continue reading “How to Store Fresh Herbs to last 2 weeks!”

Holiday Stuffing or Dressing? Why not Bread Pudding?

It’s the American age-old question… Do you call your Thanksgiving turkey “side” stuffing or dressing? Well, my unprofessional, yet logical response is… call it stuffing if it’s baked in the bird and call it dressing if it is baked separately in a casserole dish. It is suggested NOT to cook the stuffing in the birdContinue reading “Holiday Stuffing or Dressing? Why not Bread Pudding?”

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